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Over time, the disease leads to infertility, which affects 30–50% of women. One of its most troublesome symptoms is the overwhelming pain, which can occur as nonmenstrual pain in the lesser pelvis (10–50%), cyclic pain during menstruation (28–80%), pain during sexual intercourse in women with deeply infiltrating endometriosis, disrupting sexual life (12–40%) or defecation. Also, the growing intensity of symptoms is often not correlated with the severity of the disease.

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Įndometriosis is an exceptionally heterogeneous disease, which can cause minor symptoms among some women, and an agonising pain among others, affecting their professional life, social contacts or reproduction. In the case of deeply infiltrating endometriosis, disease foci also occur in the bladder and intestines.

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The most common sites of endometriosis are the ovaries, fallopian tubes, Douglas sinus peritoneum, pelvis and abdominal peritoneum. Severity and clinical presentation are very varied of this systemic disease that predominantly affecting the pelvis. Higher awareness is presented by women with medical education, and the higher the level of knowledge, the larger a woman’s interest in healthy behaviour.Įndometriosis is a chronic, estrogen-related inflammatory disease, and it is characterized by the presence of endometrial-like tissue beyond the uterine cavity.

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Polish women’s level of knowledge about endometriosis is insufficient, which we should strive to improve. The reasons identified by women were the still existing ‘taboo’ related to menstruation, the absence of information in the media and education in schools, which is critical according to 92.4% of women. Polish women acquired their knowledge mainly from the Internet and the experience of other women. The level of knowledge was significantly higher ( p = 0.001) among women with medical education. Very good knowledge was declared by 4.5% of women, while 16.1% of participants had never heard about it. ResultsĪlmost 84% of women had heard about endometriosis, while only 1/3 of them considered their knowledge sufficient or good. It included a frequency analysis, a one-way analysis of variance ANOVA, a single variable regression analysis and Student’s t-test for independent samples. The statistical analysis was performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 25 suite. The pilot studies were performed with the participation of 200 women, in an average age of 33.65 years ( SD = 11.45), who completed the authors’ questionnaire related to self-assessment of the level of knowledge about the disease, its symptoms, late effects and directions of a remediation procedure. The objective of the study was to assess Polish women's awareness of endometriosis. Due to the elusiveness of symptoms, the most important component of early detection is proper and exhaustive knowledge. Insufficient knowledge about endometriosis among women is one of the causes of its delayed diagnoses.

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